Wednesday 7 May 2014

Evil- Miley Cyrus asks fans 'to kiss members of the same sex and take pills' during first London show

It beats my imagination how Hannah Montana turned to this lewd evil girl that doesnt give reality and reason a space in her life anymore. 
Miley Cyrus was well and truly back on lewd form, Tuesday night, as she played her opening night at The O2 arena.
The singer, who recently recovered from illness, took to the stage in a revealing dollar-print leotard and according to fans began making sexual gestures in 10 minutes of her set beginning.
She was certainly making this London show a banger for all those in attendance at the sold out arena.
A source told MailOnline that Miley was: 'drinking water and spitting it on the crowd' and asking people to make out with members of the same sex.

'She got loads of same sex people to snog in the audience and put them on camera on a giant screen and make a speech about how we should all just 'be ourselves,' the attendee said.
'She said she "hopes we are all drunk and on loads of pills", and at one point her dressers had to come on stage as her corset was undone while humping midgets.'
Miley also said that she had further injured herself while ill because of her obsessive compulsive disorder.

''she said she has OCD and sprained her ankle while cleaning during her recovery from her recent illness', the source added.
As she pranced around in her marijuana gear, Miley also championed the drug to the audience.
@flendog_ tweeted: 'Miley: "Weed has never killed anybody, you know that right?" Teenyboppers: "WOOOOOOO!!!" #mileyattheO2'.
While others didn't stick around to see the rest of the show, as @Essex_Girlie tweeted: 'One of my old work friends has walked out of the Miley Cyrus show at O2 cos she was being vile and shock there then

Would stay in such a show? let me know your thoughts on this..

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