Wednesday 16 April 2014

Jungle Justice: Chinese Dog Thieves Gets Jungle JUstice.. Thought It Only Happened in Africa. Graphic Content

This looks like something that happened in Akwa-Ibom, lol. Two Chinese men caught stealing dogs to sell to restaurants were savagely beaten by a vigilante mob after they stole four pets while in a southern village.
The two men are accused of several pet dog thefts in and around Guilin City in southern China's Guangxi Autonomous Region, which they would sell as meat to cafes and eateries.
However, when the pair was caught red-handed by one angry villager, it did not take long before a large crowd were attacking them with bricks and bats, beating them bloody.

Guilin City police said the pair would drive into small villages with their windows open, listening for barking dogs.
When they came across a decent sized animal, they would throw meat laced with a sedative into the yard, and then return half an hour later, after the drugged meat had been eaten.
They would then free the dog, and hit it over the head to kill it before throwing the body in the back of the car.
But after loading their fourth animal after striking in Sanjiang Village they were spotted by a dog owner who was just returning home and saw them dragging his pet to the car.
The man alerted his neighbours who rushed out and joined in forming an angry, violent mob.

 The pair was dragged out of the car, feelings running so high that even when police arrived, the villagers refused to hand over their victims.
Instead, they continued to parade through the streets and demanded a guarantee that they would get at least £500 in compensation for the dead animals.
In the end, the stand-off was resolved when the families of the two badly beaten men turned up and offered their apologies, and gave a promise to pay the compensation as requested.
Dog meat has been used for human consumption in China for centuries, where it is thought to have medicinal properties, and is especially popular in winter months where it is thought to generate heat and keep the body warm.
Dog meat is especially popular in Guangdong and Guangxi where there are even dog meat festivals every year.

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